SCDF Officer’s Selfless Act Earned Him Praises

August 17, 2020

SSG Mohamed Assarie

Two months ago, SSG Assarie Mohamed, a SCDF Fire Biker and Emergency Medical Technician from Alexandra Fire Station, was cycling along Tampines Link Road when he saw a car crashing into a barricade at the side of the road. Without hesitation, he rushed to aid the driver who was in the state of panic and confusion.


“I told her to stay calm while I called 995 for help,” SSG Assarie recalled. “The next thing I did was to turn off the car engine and checked that the driver was not severely injured. I then assured her that things would be fine, and help would be on the way.”


His actions earned him praises from the driver who wrote in to SCDF to highlight SSG Assarie’s selfless deed.


SSG Assarie, who has been with the Force for 13 years, said that as a SCDF officer, it is second nature for him to step forward to lend a helping hand whenever there is an emergency. He added that he was surprised and touched by the driver’s praise for his deed and felt that anyone would have done the same thing in such a situation.


“If I am not a SCDF officer, I may not be as calm as I was and to even know what to do in that situation. However, I would still step forward to help as best as I could,” said SSG Assarie.


“If you are not a trained professional, it should not stop you from helping others during an emergency. At the very least, you should get professional assistance by calling 995, and then remain with the affected person until help arrives. Believe me, your presence and words of encouragement would mean a lot to someone in distress.”