

“We will see it through!” – the IRNAP Certification Journey of 11 Rescue Unit and 11 Medical Unit

11 Rescue Unit and 11 Medical Unit (11 RU/MU) went through numerous challenges to attain their IRNAP certification in May 2024. Rescue995 recaps the unit's certification journey and interviews the Unit Commander of 11MU, LTC (NS) (Dr) Goh Seo Kiat, to understand why he extended his National Service voluntarily, to complete the IRNAP certification with his unit.

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EBSC in 2023

Reflecting on a Decade of Resilience and Support in The Life Saving Force

SCDF’s Emergency Behavioural Sciences and CARE Unit (EBSC) was established in 2013, as the pillar of psychological support for SCDF officers. Today, we are pleased to turn back the pages in nostalgia, revisiting the history of psychological services in SCDF, and the highlights from EBSC’s recent 10th anniversary. EBSC’s roots can be traced back to 1995, when the pioneer officers in the Emergency Behaviour Management (EBM) Section introduced resilience training, counselling, and crisis support services to SCDF personnel. This helped promote awareness of traumatic incident stress among frontliners, encouraging them to seek help and take the first steps towards recovery following the encounter with such incidents.

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Group Photo

Going Digital: Enhancing Efficiency and Productivity in the Frontlines

Rescue995 headed down to the LIT Space to catch a glimpse of the up-and-coming technological developments in SCDF’s day-to-day operations. Over 300 SCDF personnel and strategic partners attended the 3-day event and immersed themselves in the wide array of interactive technology and digital applications.

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[From left to right] LTC (NS) Nicholas Lee, AC Kadir Maideen, and SGT2 (NS) Shawn Quek Source: HomeTeamNS

For NSmen, by NSmen – Building of the HomeTeamNS Bedok Reservoir Clubhouse

On 4 January 2023, HomeTeamNS celebrated the official opening of its latest clubhouse at HomeTeamNS Bedok Reservoir. As the new waterfront haven opened its doors to members and guests, HomeTeamNS Clubhouse Development Committee (East) Co-Chairman Assistant Commissioner (AC) Kadir Maideen, Vice-Chairman Lieutenant Colonel (NS) Nicholas Lee, and Member SGT2 (NS) Shawn Quek reflected back on their conceptualisation of the HomeTeam NS Clubhouse and their shared vision of how it will serve the Home Team community.

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Cover Page (400 × 230 px)

NS Give Back: Protecting Our Environment and Giving Back to Local Community

Since 1967, National Service (NS) has become an accepted rite of passage for all male citizens and Permanent Residents of Singapore. In SCDF, besides training to protect and save lives and property, NS has also incorporated its focus on sustainability and giving back to the community. In commemoration of 55 years of National Service (NS55), Rescue995 has put together a collage of the NS55 Ground-up Initiatives (GUI) on sustainability that we have accomplished for the year.

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P01082022 Public Sector Transformation (PST) Awards for OMNII @ HQ SCDF 13

A Giant Leap Towards Organisational Excellence

This year, SCDF is the sole recipient for the Business Transformation Award, a first for the Force since the award was introduced in 2019.

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Beverlyn Huang, Bernice Huang, Mr Wong Hoi Kam and Mdm Beatrice Ho.

A Walk Down Memory Lane with the Huangs

Rescue 995 engaged Bernice and Beverlyn, along with their parents, Mdm Beatrice Ho, a retired Ambulance Officer (AO) and Mr Wong Hoi Kam, a retired ambulance and fire engine driver, in an exclusive interview as they share their most memorable times of their life in the SCDF.

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Our Veterans of the Sea, In Commemoration of SCDF Marine Division’s 10th Anniversary

On 1 April 2022, one of the world’s most powerful firefighting vessels, SCDF’s Heavy Fire Vessel (HFV), codenamed the Red Sailfish, put on a majestic display for guests and officers in attendance as SCDF Marine Division celebrated its 10th anniversary. Looking on with pride, SCDF Marine veterans Warrant Officer 1 (WO1) Cheong Kwong Hui, Warrant Officer 2 (WO2) Mohammed Firhin Bin Wahab and WO2 Mohamad Idros Bin Abubakar were among the many Marine Division officers present at this momentous event. Rescue 995 spoke to these marine veterans in an exclusive interview on their experiences as the pioneers who set up SCDF’s Marine Division.

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Innovating Our Future with Digital Technology

SCDF has been deeply committed in driving our digital transformation and has embarked on a mission to inculcate a digitally ready and innovative-minded workforce. On 24 January 2022, what was previously known as Innoventure Land was officially rebranded as the Lifesavers Innovation and Technology (LIT) Space. Its soft launch was officiated by Comr Eric Yap, Commissioner SCDF.

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Night shoot

Behind the Scenes (Part 2): The Making of ‘In Safe Hands’

You would have seen or heard about SCDF’s latest Mandarin drama serial, ‘In Safe Hands’ (with English subtitles), which was aired daily on Mediacorp channel 8 from 7 March to 18 March this year. The making of ‘In Safe Hands’ was a challenging but truly enriching experience for the Mediacorp production team, artistes and several SCDF officers. Rescue 995 goes behind the scenes in this exclusive interview with Loh Woon Woon, the Executive Producer; Oh Wei Ting and Lau Ching Poon, the script writers; two SCDF advisers namely Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Khaisarah Mansor and Major (MAJ) Shafi Rafie, as well the SCDF casts: LTC Ryan Hoo Wei Kun, Staff Sergeant (SSG) Gregory Ryan and SSG Kamarul Arifin. Read on to find out more about their experiences in the making of ‘In Safe Hand’.

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