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  • 995

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Central Fire Station Centenary Celebration: 1909 - 2009
01 September 2009


The Central Fire Station celebrates its 100th year of operation this year. 1 September will kickoff a month long celebration of the centennial anniversary of Central Fire Station. The SCDF has lined up a series of celebratory events to commemorate the history and contributions of the station. This event was launched by the Guest of Honour, Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Law and Second Minister for Home Affairs on 1 September 2009 at the Central Fire Station.

Being part of Singapore"s early history, Central Fire Station has undergone transformations and stayed relevant throughout the years. Located along the bustling Hill Street, the Station"s iconic presence in the heart of the city serves as a reminder of the key role it plays in its continued readiness to respond to emergencies in the city and ensure safety of Singapore"s business and commercial hub.

Main Highlights

The long-month celebration promises a wide range of exciting activities to engage and enthrall the masses of all ages. Highlights of the event include:

a. Central Fire Station Light-up Ceremony & Charity Dinner

A light-up ceremony was launched by Mr K Shanmugam to celebrate the momentous occasion on 1 Sept 2009 and it will last through the month of Sept 2009. The front facade of the station will be decorated with LED coloured lights. A charity dinner, aimed at raising funds for the St Andrew"s Cathedral Home for the Aged, which is one of SCDF"s adopted charities, was also held on the same day.

b. September School Holiday Programme for adopted schools

A special programme will be organised during the 1-week school holiday (5th to 13th Sept 2009). During this period, the station has invited its adopted schools to organise visits to the station. On-the-Spot Colouring Competition and Heritage Quiz will be conducted as part of the programme and commemorative souvenirs will be given away.

c. Heritage Quiz

Visitors to Central Fire Station during the Saturday Fire Station Open House and SCDF"s Heritage Gallery in the month of September will have the opportunity to participate in the Heritage Quiz and win attractive prizes.

d. Photography Competition

Photograph enthusiasts will have the opportunity to capture photo images of the station and participate in our photography competition. As part of the competition, Central Fire station will open its doors to members of public from Monday, 7 Sept 09 to Friday, 11 Sept 09, from 4 " 6pm. This is in additon to the Saturday Fire Station Open House which is open every Saturday, from 9 " 11 am. Prizes will be given away and the winning photographs will be featured in the commemorative coffee-table book that will be produced. Members of public who are interested to participate in the competition may click here to find out more about the Photography Competition which has 3 categories of participation; viz Open, Student and SCDF Staff. Closing date for entries is 25 Sept 09.

To read the speech delivered by Guest-of-Honour, please click here.