The departments and units in SCDF are organised into three strategic clusters:
(a) Operations & Resilience;
(b) Future Technology & Public Safety; and
(c) Strategy & Corporate Services.
The Operations & Resilience cluster oversees SCDF’s frontline operations and integrate volunteers’ response to build a resilient community and prepared citizenry. Primarily, this entails maintaining high standards in the delivery of firefighting, rescue, Hazardous Materials (HazMat) operations and emergency medical services.
The Future Technology & Public Safety cluster oversees transformation and capability development to prepare SCDF for future challenges. This involves the adoption and development of cutting-edge technologies that will become critical in future operations.
The Strategy & Corporate Services cluster oversees corporate strategy and support services, to ensure a high-performing SCDF. The functional areas under this cluster contribute to good governance, and are critical in ensuring stability as SCDF embarks on various outsourcing, resource optimisation and transformation initiatives.
Each of the cluster is led by a Deputy Commissioner. The overall Head of the organisation is the Commissioner.
The organization structure of SCDF is shown below.