QPs engaged by owners or developers must ensure that the design of household or storey shelters complies with the prevailing "Technical Requirements for Household Shelters" or "Technical Requirements for Storey Shelters".
The shelter plans shall be submitted to BCA for plan approval before commencement of construction. To reduce plan approval time, QP may seek pre-submission consultation with BCA to clarify on the requirements.
After the shelter works have been completed, an application to BCA for commissioning approval is required to ensure that the shelter complies with the technical requirements.
Click here to visit BCA website for more information on Design, Construction and Commissioning of HS/SS.
In SCDF, the Volunteer & Community Partnership Department (VCPD) processes applications for shelter waivers and conduct ORIs.
For shelter waivers, QPs must ensure that:
- the proposed waiver provisions for household or storey shelters offer the protection level stated in the "Technical Requirements for Household Shelters" or "Technical Requirements for Storey Shelters"; and
- only plans relevant to the waiver application are submitted as attachments to the shelter waiver application form.
To help with the processing of shelter waiver applications, QPs may seek for a pre-submission consultation with VCPD.
Shelter consultation services are conducted virtually by default. If required, face-to-face consultation will be available only by appointment. To make a consultation appointment, please call our Customer Service Officer at 1800 280 0000 (SCDF General Enquiry Hotline) or use the Feedback Form.