Under the Self-Regulation System, all waiver applications shall be submitted before any formal plan submission.
Submission requirements for waiver applications
- Waiver Application Form duly completed;
- Letter of authorization for the Qualified Person by the owner/occupier/Management Corporation;
- One set of plan and document, where applicable;
- Payment of fees $160/- per item (refer to Guide in computing waiver application payment).
a) Manual submission
Building owner/occupier/Management Corporation who does not have e-Corenet may manually submit waiver application at Fire Safety Department, HQ Singapore Civil Defence Force, 91 Ubi Avenue 4, Singapore 408827.
b) Electronic submission
Project QP shall make on-line submission through the CORENET e-Submission.
For unsuccessful waiver applications, QP may appeal against the decisions by submitting formal appeal to the Minister for Home Affairs within 28 days of the date of notification of the decision. The appeal application shall be made in the application form which is available at the Customer Service Centre at HQ SCDF.
Alternatively, you can download the Waiver Appeal Application Form.