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Daily Situation Update on SCDF Search Operations in Banda Aceh and Khao Lak
04 January 2005

Aceh Update

Yesterday morning, the SCDF contingent at Aceh worked with rescue teams from China and South Africa to comb a 2km stretch of residential area between Merduati and the coastline of Ulee Lheue beach. By the end of the operations at 6.25pm, a total of 24 bodies were located and extricated with the use of light USAR (Urban Search & Rescue) equipment such as power saws, hydraulic cutters and spreaders.

This morning, about 20 SCDF rescuers commenced search at Jalan Kartika in the Lamdingin area starting from 11am. Unlike in Merduati, where a major challenge is collapsed structures, conditions in Lamdingin are swampy with many places being water-logged. Apart from making accessibility difficult, it also resulted in an extremely tedious search as bodies are harder to be sighted.

Resulting from this search operation, SCDF found and extricated 10 bodies from the area. As at 4.00pm today, the SCDF has recovered a total of 56 bodies in Banda Aceh since 31 Dec 2004.

Khao Lak Update

The SCDF contingent in Thailand continued to conduct search operation along coastal areas at Nang Thong Bay and Bang Niang Beach in Khao Lak. 6 sections of rescuers focused their search efforts at the Laguna Resort, where another body was extricated. This body was located among heaps of debris including wooden struts, concrete slabs and hardened mud. Rescuers had to use chainsaws and digging tools to reach and recover the body.

The high temperature in the region also contributes to the exhaustion of the rescuers. Safety measures have to be taken to ensure that rescuers remain fit, and this includes consuming sufficient fluids throughout the day. A Medical Officer is also on standby to provide medical advice and care for the rescuers.

As at 5.00pm today, the number of bodies uncovered by the SCDF at Khao Lak now stands at 14.