  • 995

    Fire Engine / Ambulance

  • 1777

    Non-Emergency Ambulance

  • Fire Hazard Reporting

    1800 280 0000

  • General Enquiries

    1800 286 5555

  • 995

    Fire Engine / Ambulance

  • 1777

    Non-Emergency Ambulance

Engagement of Private Ambulance Operators to augment the SCDF Emergency Ambulance Service (EAS)
31 May 2009

Private Ambulance Operators to Augment SCDF EAS

1. From 1 June 2009, SCDF will be engaging Private Ambulance Operators (PAOs) to augment its Emergency Ambulance Service (EAS). This is part of SCDF"s on-going efforts to step up and enhance EAS resources in Singapore, especially in light of the escalating rise in EAS calls.

2. In 1995, the EAS responded to only 60,300 cases per year. This increased to 117,896 cases in 2008. By 2030 the number of calls is expected to rise to 235,800. This expanded demand is due to an increase in population, especially of those aged 65 and above. Although the number of elderly is projected to form only 18.7% of the population, they are expected to account for 44% of all calls by 2030 as a result of their medical needs.

3. To address this increasing demand, SCDF has increased its number of ambulances from 15 in 1995 to 40 currently. However, the number of public ambulances cannot be increased infinitely - contracting private ambulance operators to participate in the management of medical emergencies will therefore help to alleviate the stress on current emergency ambulances.

4. With their involvement in the pre-hospital care of medical emergencies, the private EAS will also become part of the national resource to be mobilised in a mass casualty situation. SCDF EAS ambulances will continue to play a leading role for pre-hospital care in mass casualty management incidents.

Successful PAO Tenderers

5. The two firms that have successfully won the tender to provide emergency ambulance services are:

a. Unistrong Technology (S) Pte Ltd
51 Ubi Avenue 1 #01-22 Paya Ubi Industrial Park Singapore 408933
Contact person " Mr Edward Teo, GM, 62968238

b. Lentor Ambulance Pte Ltd
51 Lentor Ave Singapore 786876
Contact Person " Mr Jonathan Koh, COO, 64516300

6. The 2 firms were selected from a pool of 6 companies which responded to SCDF"s invitation to submit tender in December 2008 based on their respective merits and proposals. The evaluation committee comprises members from the MHA and SCDF.

7. The contract awarded to the 2 firms is for a period of 3 years from 1 June 2009 to 31 May 2012 with an option to extend for 2 years from 1 June 2012 to 31 May 2014. Each firm is required to provide 5 running ambulances each fully equipped with qualified crews and equipment.

8. Starting from 1 June 2009, the 10 private ambulances and crews would be based at SCDF"s fire stations or any other locations designated by SCDF. Operating hours are from Monday to Saturday from 0800 hrs to 2000 hrs as these are the peak periods for ambulance calls. The operating hours are also subject to adjustment as and when SCDF deems necessary.

9. The private ambulances from Unistrong and Lentor will currently be deployed at the following 10 fire stations: Central, Alexandra, Clementi, Bishan, Changi, Tampines, Sengkang, Jurong, Woodlands and Bukit Batok Fire Station.

Private EAS abide by same performance standards

10. Ambulances and crews of both companies need to adhere to the same performance standards criteria established to audit service standards of SCDF ambulances and crews. Performance standards, availability and movement of the ambulances will be closely monitored by the SCDF"s 995 Call Centre.

11. All private ambulance crews have been trained by recognized Training Centres such as the Institute of Technical Education (ITE). They have also undergone On-Job-Training for 33 weeks during their course, where they followed SCDF"s ambulances for emergency calls during turnouts.

12. In order to ensure the performance standards of the private ambulances are in line with SCDF"s fleet, a medical audit system has been put in place. SCDF Medical Auditors will be assigned to carry out surprise quarterly checks onboard the private ambulances. These checks include audit on the proficiency and service standards of the private ambulance paramedics as well as serviceability of the ambulance medical equipment. If the private ambulance crew fails to meet the required standard, they will be suspended from Emergency Ambulance Service duties. They will only resume duties with the SCDF after passing a re-audit. SCDF will also bar any paramedic from duties if he or she repeatedly fails audit checks.

13. In addition, all private ambulance paramedics will be required to pass the Paramedic Specialist Certification Test at the Civil Defence Academy once every 6 months. This is the same for SCDF paramedics. The test will ensure that all paramedics are proficient and up to date in their knowledge and skills required for providing Emergency Ambulance Services.

14. The ambulance drivers are also required to pass an Emergency Vehicle Driving Course at the Civil Defence Academy (CDA). This test is also taken by all SCDF Emergency Vehicle drivers.

15. For the 1st month of operation, an SCDF Paramedic will be attached to each of the private ambulances to supervise and ensure the service standards of the private ambulance crew.

16. The SCDF"s Medical Advisory Committee (MAC), whose members include emergency medicine physicians, will continue to determine the minimum professional competencies of the ambulance crews, training standards of paramedics and life-saving equipment to be carried in the ambulances.

No change to ambulance charges

17. The current charging policy remains. There is no charge by SCDF or the PAO for all emergency cases conveyed to hospitals. However, $165 will be levied for each non-emergency case ferried to the hospital so as to discourage abuse. The final outcome of the emergency / non-emergency status of a patient will be based on the assessment of the doctor at the Emergency Department of the receiving hospital.

No change to "995" Emergency Hotline

18. The public can continue to call 995 for emergency medical cases which centrally manages all SCDF and EAS PAO ambulances.

19. The existing 1777 call line for the private ambulance service for non emergencies will also remain as this has been proven useful in reducing non- emergency calls to the EAS.