  • 995

    Fire Engine / Ambulance

  • 1777

    Non-Emergency Ambulance

  • Fire Hazard Reporting

    1800 280 0000

  • General Enquiries

    1800 286 5555

  • 995

    Fire Engine / Ambulance

  • 1777

    Non-Emergency Ambulance

Festive Season Fire Safety Alert
06 December 2013

With the year end fast approaching, the SCDF would like to extend its season's greetings to everyone and would also like to remind everyone to exercise caution to minimise fire hazards and prevent the outbreaks of fire during the joyous occasion. Some useful fire safety tips are listed in the appended Annex A.

As the number of patrons and customers are usually higher during the festive season, we would also like to remind owners and management of public buildings and places of recreation/entertainment including hotels and shopping centres to ensure compliance to all fire safety requirements. Escape passageways should be free of obstruction and fire exit doors should be kept accessible for use during emergencies. Overcrowding in public premises especially in entertainment outlets, such as discotheques and pubs, should be avoided as it would impede safe evacuation in the event of fire.

SCDF will be stepping up inspections and conducting an enforcement blitz at commercial buildings to check on fire safety violations. SCDF takes a serious view against offenders flouting fire safety requirements. Under the Fire Safety Act, violators may be subjected to a fine not exceeding $10,000 or sentenced to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months, or both. Major offences like commencement of fire safety works without plan approval carries a fine of up to $200,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 24 months, or both.

We would like to urge members of the public who spot fire hazards to report them to SCDF. They can do so by calling our fire hazard reporting line at 1800-280-0000 or email us at In addition to these reporting channels, mySCDF application for smartphones is also currently available for download on Apple and Android App stores. Members of the public who encountered fire hazards can submit photos and a brief description of the hazards to the SCDF via the mySCDF application.

Fire safety is a collective community responsibility and together we can help to reduce fire occurrences in Singapore.

Annex A


Decorations and Lightings

Check the decorative lighting fixtures before use and regularly thereafter. If there are wear and tear problems, such as blown bulbs and frayed wires, replace them with new ones immediately, using the service of licensed electricians for repairs if necessary.

Do not leave decorative lighting fixtures, including the lit Christmas tree, switched-on when leaving home or when going to bed. Indoor lighting fixtures should not be used in outdoor area to avoid electric shocks and short circuits.

Use decorative lighting fixtures which carry the SAFETY Mark. Similar to electrical appliances and accessories such as fans and adaptors, decorative lighting fixture is also a Controlled Goods under the Consumer Protection (Safety Requirements) Registration Scheme, which is administered by SPRING Singapore.


Decorations made of light tissue paper or cardboard burn easily. Do not attach them to lights or other heat source, and always keep them away from candles.


Lit candles should be placed in stable holders on heat-resistant surface, so that they will not fall over. Lit candles should also be kept away from Christmas trees, paper or cardboard decorations, foliage, curtains and furnishings. It is also not advisable to leave candles burning in a room unattended.


Preventing Children from Starting Fires


Keep matches, lighters and candles out of children's reach.

Educate children on the dangers of fires.

Children playing with sparklers must be supervised by parents/adults.


Handling Sparklers


  • Sparklers should be kept in a closed box and away from flames.
  • When being used, it should be lit at arm's length and only one at a time.
  • Lighted sparklers should never be thrown at combustible materials.
  • When a sparkler goes out, do not immediately touch the hot end for it could still burn. Ideally, put the hot end in a bucket of water to fully cool it down before disposing it safely.
  • Follow the safety instructions as stated by the manufacturer. These instructions are typically found on the box housing the sparklers.



Escape passageways should be free of obstruction and fire exit doors should be kept unlocked at all times for use during emergencies.

It is also important to observe other fire safety requirements, including the approved occupancy load for premises (to avoid overcrowding), so as to enhance fire safety standards in buildings.

If you are in any public premises, ensure that you look out for the nearest exit door or staircase. Such knowledge will greatly facilitate you when you need to evacuate during an emergency.


1. Visit the following websites for fire safety tips: