  • 995

    Fire Engine / Ambulance

  • 1777

    Non-Emergency Ambulance

  • Fire Hazard Reporting

    1800 280 0000

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    1800 286 5555

  • 995

    Fire Engine / Ambulance

  • 1777

    Non-Emergency Ambulance

Fire at 153 Seagull Walk
04 May 2012

At 0816 hrs, SCDF was alerted to a fire in a unit at 153, Seagull Walk. Upon receiving the notification, 1 Fire Engine, 1 Red Rhino, 2 Fire Bikes, 2 Ambulances and 1 Supporting Vehicle were dispatched.

SCDF forces arrived within 7mins. Upon arrival, the fire was well alight in the kitchen area with thick black smoke coming from the unit. SCDF personnel wearing breathing apparatus equipment fought the fire with 2 water jets. The fire was fully extinguished in 15 minutes.

Simultaneously, SCDF fire-fighters used a ladder and rescued a female, Chinese and a child from a window on the third floor and one female Chinese from a room window on second floor. The 2 females, Chinese, were conveyed to Singapore General Hospital and the child was conveyed to Kandang Kerbau Women"s and Children"s Hospital by SCDF ambulance.

The cause of fire is under investigation.

There were a total of 3 casualties. 2 persons were conveyed to Singapore General Hospital and a child was conveyed to Kandang Kerbau Women"s and Children"s Hospital via SCDF ambulances.

The detailed breakdown of those conveyed is as follows:-

1) Female/Chinese/20s

2) Female/Chinese/50s

3)Male/Chinese/ about 1 year old