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Island-wide Sounding of the PWS "Important Message" Signal on Monday, 15 September 2014 at 12:05 PM
13 September 2014

The SCDF will be sounding the "Important Message" signal through its island-wide network of Public Warning System (PWS) sirens on Monday, 15 September 2014 at 1205 hrs.


Members of the public are advised not to be alarmed by the minute-long sounding exercise. When the signal is sounded, members of the public can immediately tune in to any local radio station to listen to an important message broadcast by SCDF.


Held annually, the sounding is part of SCDF"s continuous efforts to familiarise the public with the three PWS signals and to raise awareness on how they should react upon hearing each signal.


Members of the public are also encouraged to learn more about the PWS signals and other emergency procedures.


To prevent any undue public alarm, we seek your assistance to carry the above news in your news bulletins to forewarn and remind the public on the sounding.


Signals How it Sounds Situation What It Means
"Alarm" Signal Wailing Blast This is sounded when an air raid or shelling is imminent.

Move to a shelter

"All Clear" Signal Continuous Blast This is sounded when the threat is over.

You can leave the shelter.

"Important Message" Signal Pulsating Blast This is sounded to alert the population to an important broadcast on the radio.

Tune in immediately to any local FM radio station.


Did you know"


1. The PWS "Important Message" signal is sounded at 1205hrs on Total Defence Day (15 February) and SCDF Day (15 September) each year. The public should tune in any local FM radio stations upon hearing the signal.


2. In order to test the system, the PWS is also sounded at 1200hrs on the first day of every month. The type of signal used for the monthly sounding is the "Chime Signal". The public is not required to take any action.