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  • 995

    Fire Engine / Ambulance

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    Non-Emergency Ambulance

"Operation Lion Heart" Central Java Earthquake - Situation Update 10
06 June 2006

41 members of the SCDF "Operation Lion Heart" rescue contingent arrived in Singapore via two C130 aircrafts yesterday evening at 4.10pm and 7.10pm. The contingent members returned to a warm welcome from their family members and fellow colleagues following their 8-day deployment to the disaster-hit area of Yogyakarta.

SCDF"s 11-member medical team (comprising 1 doctor and 11 paramedics) continue to render aid to the victims in the quake hit Bantul district. 5 paramedics together with MAJ (Dr) Mohan are based at the Tenembahan Senopati Bantul 5th District Hospital while the other 5 paramedics were attached to the SAF mobile team to continue with efforts to render medical assistance to the locals who are without medical facilities. As of 5 June 2006, they have rendered medical aid to about 400 patients.

With the continual influx of relief items into the UN Reception Center based at Yogyakarta Adi Sutjipto Airport, MAJ Alan Toh, SCDF"s representative to United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC), continues to assist in the distribution of the international relief supplies.

He is aided by 2 other SCDF info-communications specialists who also serve as SCDF"s APHP (Asia-Pacific Humanitarian Partnership) team responsible for setting up and maintaining critical communications capabilities at the Reception Centre. This is to facilitate UNDAC"s liaison and coordination of overall relief efforts.