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Outcome of Investigations into the misconduct of SCDF Officers at the Civil Defence Academy on 24 April 2015
26 June 2015

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) has completed investigations into the case of two video clips posted on social media. The video clips showed several SCDF officers from the 20th Section Commander Course (SCC) misbehaving and damaging property in a dormitory at the Civil Defence Academy on 24 April 2015.


The investigations found that 23 SCDF officers, consisting of 9 regular and 14 National Service Full-time (NSF) officers were involved, to varying degrees, in the incident.


The 9 regulars are facing civil service disciplinary actions and are liable for punishments ranging from letter of warning to dismissal, depending on the extent of their involvement in the incident. The 14 NSFs have been charged under the Civil Defence Act and are liable for punishments ranging from a fine to detention and demotion.


In addition to these 23 officers, another five SCDF regular officers with supervisory roles in the 20th SCC are facing disciplinary actions with a view to letters of warning or advice.


The SCDF deeply regrets the misconduct of our officers and takes a very serious view of it. Such behaviour does not reflect the culture and discipline expected of all SCDF officers. We expect all SCDF officers, whether regular officers, NSFs or NSmen, to demonstrate exemplary personal and professional conduct in line with our core values of Pride and Care.