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  • 995

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SCDF Deploys 2 More Officers to Philippines
20 November 2013

SCDF has deployed a second team of officers to the Philippines. The two officers departed Changi International Airport at about 2:20 pm this afternoon. They will relieve the current two SCDF officers who were deployed to the Philippines on 7 November 2013. The first team is expected to return to Singapore later this week.

Under the auspices of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, SCDF officers are reinforcing the UN Disaster Assessment Center Team in the overall administration of the on-going relief efforts. Particularly, SCDF officers are assisting to manage the Reception/ Departure Centre, a focal point used to coordinate the arrival and departure of relief agencies. In addition, the SCDF officers, who are info-comms trained, are providing support to the UN team in maintaining communication links and IT coverage to facilitate the coordination of the humanitarian relief efforts.