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  • 995

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SCDF Stepping Up Fire Safety Enforcement Checks
12 December 2015

With the festive season in full swing, SCDF is stepping up its fire safety enforcement checks at various commercial premises. In an enforcement operation conducted yesterday (11th December 2015), SCDF inspected shopping malls and public entertainment outlets at Tampines, Jurong and Clarke Quay.

Some of the fire safety violations detected were unauthorised change of use in parts of the premises, non-functioning exit lights, and obstruction to common passageways and exit doors. Such violations pose fire risks and would impede the safe evacuation of people during an emergency.

SCDF takes fire safety violations seriously and will not hesitate to take tough enforcement actions against the offenders. For first time offenders, they may be fined up to $5000. Recalcitrant and repeat offenders will be prosecuted in court. If found liable for the offence, offenders can be fined up to $10,000 or jailed up to 6 months or both. Major offences like commencement of fire safety works without plan approval carries a fine of up to $200,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 24 months, or both.

SCDF"s enforcement checks will continue throughout the festive season.

SCDF Enforcement Officer providing advice relating to fire safety measures

SCDF Enforcement Officer detected obtructions to a passageway that serves as part of an escape route

SCDF Enforcement Officer explaining the fire safety offence pertaining to the unauthorised change of use to a storage area