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Singapore-Global Firefighters & Paramedics Challenge 2016 (SGFPC 2016)
12 November 2016

The Singapore-Global Firefighters and Paramedics Challenge (SGFPC) is an event whereby sportsmanship and camaraderie thrives amongst representatives of emergency services from around the globe. Organised annually, the SGFPC provides opportunities for emergency responders from the SCDF and our international counterparts to pit their operational skills, fitness and teamwork against each other. The emphasis of SGFPC is on developing strong networks and sharing of knowledge between emergency responders locally and worldwide.

SGFPC 2016 was launched by Mr Desmond Lee, Senior Minister of State for Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of National Development, together with Mr Eric Yap, Commissioner SCDF and Assistant Commissioner Teong How Hwa, Director, Civil Defence Academy. Mr Desmond Lee also delivered a speech (please find attached).

SGFPC 2016 featured the Global, Public and Singapore Challenges with new elements of SGSecure in the Public Challenge. A total of 19 international teams from 15 countries participated in the Global Challenge.

Mr Desmond Lee delivering his speech

Mr Desmond Lee reviewing the SCDF Parade march past (From Left) AC Teong How Hwa, Mr Desmond Lee and Commissioner Eric Yap launching SGFPC 2016

Civil Defence Lionhearters attending to a casualty in the Public Challenge (School) A participant in the Public Challenge (community) extinguishing a fire

Participants in the Public Challenge wheeling a casualty to safety (Pre-hospital Care) SCDF officers in HazMat suits rescuing a casualty in the Singapore Challenge (HazMat)