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In honour of the late Sergeant 1 Edward H Go
13 December 2022

On 13 December 2022, a ceremonial funeral was held at Mandai Crematorium for the late Sergeant 1 (SGT1) Edward H Go, a Full-time National Serviceman. SGT1 Edward passed away during a firefighting operation at 91 Henderson Road on 8 December 2022.

The late SGT1 Edward trained as a firefighter at the Civil Defence Academy from 3 February 2022 to 28 April 2022. His performance was among the top 25% of his cohort. After graduation from the Firefighting Course, he served at Central Fire Station, 1st SCDF Division.

SGT1 Edward was posthumously promoted from Corporal to SGT1 and given full ceremonial honours.

The Last Call for SGT1 Edward H Go

At 8am this morning, the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) sounded the fire call alarm across all 23 fire stations, as well as HQ SCDF, the SCDF Division HQs and the Civil Defence Academy. The fire call alarm is used to activate fire station crews to respond to an emergency. The sounding of the fire call alarm at 8am this morning symbolised the last call for the late SGT1 Edward.

This was followed by a minute of silence by all SCDF personnel, and a tribute by COMR Eric Yap, Commissioner SCDF, to the late SGT1 Edward. The blinkers and sirens of SCDF emergency vehicles were turned on for 15 seconds after the tribute as a mark of respect.

Ceremonial Funeral at Mandai Crematorium

This afternoon, a Light Fire Attack Vehicle led the ceremonial funeral procession, followed by the carriage carrying the casket and an escort party. About 100 officers from the 1st SCDF Division lined the path towards the Mandai Crematorium Service Hall where the funeral service was held.

The pallbearing party and the escort party were made up of 21 firefighters from Central Fire Station. They included Regular Officers and Full-time National Servicemen who had responded to the fire together with the late SGT1 Edward. The ceremonial funeral procession was supported by the Singapore Police Force Band. Assoc Prof Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, Minister of State, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of National Development, and about 250 SCDF officers, were present.

Wreaths were laid by COMR Eric Yap, COL Firoz Ramjan, Commander 1st SCDF Division, and MAJ Joe Ong, Commander Central Fire Station. COMR Eric Yap presented the state flag to Mr Daniel C Go and Mrs Helen Go, parents of the late SGT1 Edward. The Last Post bugle call was sounded to signify the end of the late SGT1 Edward’s duty to the nation. A minute of silence was observed to honour his memory.


Quote by COMR Eric Yap

Today, we mourn the loss of our comrade – a brave firefighter – who died in the line of duty. We offer our deepest condolences to his family and loved ones.

The late SGT1 Edward H Go made the greatest sacrifice possible in service to the nation. He served the most noble of causes, to save lives. He exemplified the highest standards of professionalism, dedication, and commitment to duty.

We will remember him, and keep him in our hearts.

COMR Eric Yap


Singapore Civil Defence Force  


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