W.e.f. 1 Apr 2024 onwards, refresher training for Fire Station Emergency Medical Technicians will be enhanced and the In Camp Training period will be extended from 19 to 23 days. Please check with your Deputy Commander Fire Station or unit for more info.

W.e.f. 1 Jul 2024, SCDF will change its sender ID for NS Mobilisation matters from “91449746” to “80709995”. This follows the gov.sg SMS Sender ID announcement on 13 Jun 2024 and aims to help recipients recognise and authenticate SMSes from SCDF.

Please be informed that Central Fire Station will not be hosting the weekly Saturday Fire Station Open House on 26 Apr 2025. Please refer to the list of other Fire Stations that are available for visits.




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6.3.1 General

a. An automatic fire alarm system shall be provided in the station

b. The fire alarm system shall comply with the requirements of the SS 645 except as herein modified:

(1) Buffer area, air lock, air plenum, air shafts, above ground outdoor cooling tower enclosure and naturally cross-ventilated public areas need not be provided with detectors. The detector for tunnel ventilation fan room shall be confined to the fans only.

(2) Alarm bells in the commercial spaces on the commercial floor shall only sound if sprinklers, detectors, or manual call points are activated within the commercial spaces.

(3) In addition to the alarm bells, sufficient visual alarm devices e.g. strobe lights shall be provided in but not limited to the following plant rooms where the background noise is excessive:

(a) Environment control system plant room;

(b) Tunnel ventilation fan room;

(c) Under-platform exhaust fan room;

(d) Smoke extract fan room;

(e) CD generator room; and

(f) CD cooling tower room.

(4) For fire detection in the station’s back of house electrical rooms, service duct/ cable duct/ under-platform, associated cable basement and concealed ceiling spaces of public areas, linear heat detectors of the optic fibre type are allowed. Where linear heat detectors are used, the coverage shall be equivalent to the point-type detectors. For fire detection under the ceilings of station public areas, optical beam line-type detectors are allowed.

(5) The following areas are exempted from automatic fire alarm protection:

(a) External open-sided linkways not exceeding 6m in width measured from eave to eave, provided these areas are not for commercial activities or storage;

(b) Areas which are covered with trellises, louvres or perforated panels having 50% or more evenly distributed effective free openings. An alarm sounder and visual alarm shall be provided near the exit staircase in accordance with SS 645;

(c) Roof level of single storey stations/ buildings with roof height not more than 12m or inaccessible pitched roof up to 24m from grade level used solely for roof-mounted PV installations in accordance with Code of Practice for Fire Precautions in Buildings; and

(d) Roof level of an external/ open-sided overhead bridge/ shed/ linkway/ walkway with clear width less than 6m, roof height not more than 12m and used solely for roof-mounted PV installations in accordance with Code of Practice for Fire Precautions in Buildings.

6.3.2 Fire alarm panel

a. An electrical fire alarm system of the automatic or manual type shall be provided with a fire alarm panel to indicate the location of the alarm which has been actuated or operated. Such an alarm panel shall be accurate to the maximum allowed alarm group area limitations specified in SS 645.

b. All automatic systems which are activated via the general station alarm shall be connected directly to the fire alarm panel.

c. For underground stations without FCC, the main alarm panel shall be located in the firefighting staircase at ground level. All fire alarm signals shall also be transmitted to the PSC, if provided.

6.3.3 Manual alarm call points

a. Manual alarm call points shall be provided on every storey of the ancillary area of the station and located such that no person need travel more than 30m from any position within the ancillary area to activate the alarm. Station public areas need not be provided with manual alarm call points.

b. Manual alarm call points shall be located on exit routes preferably next to hose reels and in particular on the floor landings of exit staircases and at exits to the street. In the case where an automatic fire alarm system is provided, grouping for indication of location of the manual alarm call points shall comply with the requirements in SS 645.

c. Manual alarm call points shall be located between 800mm and 1.2m above the finished floor level and shall be located at easily accessible and conspicuous positions free from obstructions. The installation of the sounding device shall be in accordance with SS 645.

d. Wordings on call points shall comply with SS 508.

e. Exemption

Manual alarm call points and alarm sounders can be omitted for the following:

(1) cable chambers, under-platform services ducts, and outdoor cooling tower area;

(2) air shafts; and

(3) open-to-sky roof gardens/ terraces, provided an alarm sounder is extended to this level and positioned near the exit staircase.

6.3.4 Alarm device

a. Audio alarm

The fire alarm sounder shall have a sound that is readily distinguishable from any other alarm systems.

b. Visual alarms

(1) Visual alarms shall not be used in place of audible alarms and shall be provided:

(a) for stations protected by fire alarm systems; and

(b) in places, such as full-height enclosed washroom spaces, where persons with hearing impairment can be isolated, especially when they are not in their identified locations.

(2) Visual alarms shall be located together with fire alarm sounders. Where they are not readily visible from areas accessible to persons with hearing impairment who may be in isolation, additional visual alarms shall be provided. The height of the visual alarms shall be between 2m to 3m above finished floor level.

(3) Visual alarms shall comply with all the following requirements:

(a) They shall take the form of a flashing beacon or strobe light for use in conjunction with the conventional fire alarm system.

(b) They shall be clearly distinguishable from any other visual indicator used in the premises.

(c) They shall be labelled with the word “Fire” of at least 15mm in height and lettering colour shall contrast with the background.

(d) The flashing rate shall be within 30 to 130 flashes per minute.

(e) The visual alarm signal shall be in white or red.

(f) The flashing of all visual alarm signals within a same space/ room shall be synchronised.

(g) The intensity of the light signal shall be sufficient to draw the attention of people in the vicinity.

6.3.5 Connection to OCC

The electrical fire alarm system required to be installed in station under this clause shall be connected to the OCC.

6.3.6 Stations with multiple transit lines

6.3.7 Alarm signal

Separate fire alarm systems can be provided in stations with multiple transit lines in accordance with Cl.9.2.2c..

A summary fire alarm signal for stations with interchange-link shall be provided in accordance with Cl.9.2.3c..

6.3.8 Sprinkler-protected building/ station

Where sprinkler system is required by this Code, provision of automatic thermal/ smoke detectors in sprinkler-protected premises will be exempted except where such detectors are required to activate or operate the sprinkler or other systems.