W.e.f. 1 Apr 2024 onwards, refresher training for Fire Station Emergency Medical Technicians will be enhanced and the In Camp Training period will be extended from 19 to 23 days. Please check with your Deputy Commander Fire Station or unit for more info.

W.e.f. 1 Jul 2024, SCDF will change its sender ID for NS Mobilisation matters from “91449746” to “80709995”. This follows the gov.sg SMS Sender ID announcement on 13 Jun 2024 and aims to help recipients recognise and authenticate SMSes from SCDF.

Please be informed that Central Fire Station will not be hosting the weekly Saturday Fire Station Open House on 26 Apr 2025. Please refer to the list of other Fire Stations that are available for visits.




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6.4.1 Provision

The following shall be provided with an automatic sprinkler system:

a. Compartment size

Whenever compartmentation requirements under Table 3.2A of Chapter 3 of this Code cannot be complied with.

b. Aboveground stations

Every storey of stations of more than 24m in habitable height, regardless of whether the compartmentation requirements are complied with.

c. Basement

All basement storeys irrespective of compartment size shall be provided with an automatic sprinkler system. Where the upper storeys of the station are fully compartmented from the basement storey, the requirement for provision of an automatic sprinkler system for floors above the basement shall be considered separately.

d. Exemption

The following areas are exempted from automatic sprinkler system:

(1) Public areas. However, the public areas shall be protected in accordance with Cl.6.3.1b..

(2) CD rooms not containing storage.

(3) Station Manager Room (SMR) – where SMR is adjacent to PSC, the door separating the two rooms shall be provided with a vision panel, and the door shall be provided with access management system that will release/ unlock the door automatically by fire alarm or by a manual release/ unlock device located in PSC, and portable fire extinguisher shall be provided in each room.

(4) Buffer areas.

(5) Escalator pits at entrances of multi-entry stations.

(6) Moving walk trusses (only for moving walks in an air- conditioned environment) to be free of debris.

(7) Air lock/ plenum which does not contain combustible materials.

(8) Air shaft.

(9) Areas under roof-mounted PV installations on non-habitable roof

Each sub-array of PV installation shall not exceed 5m in width, with maintenance aisle of minimum 400mm width in between the sub-arrays. Each sub-array shall be open-sided without any commercial activities or storage within these areas. The maximum dimensions of PV arrays shall be in accordance with Code of Practice for Fire Precautions in Buildings.

6.4.2 Standard

Installation of the sprinkler system and its associated water supply, control and testing requirements shall comply with the SS CP 52.

a. Hazard groups for the sprinkler design shall be as follows:

(1) Ordinary Hazard 1 for ancillary areas; and

(2) Ordinary Hazard 3 for commercial spaces.

b. Sprinkler pipes passing through the public areas and under-platform services ducts need not be enclosed within fire rated enclosures.

c. Tunnel Ventilation Fan room and Smoke Control Fan rooms which also serve as smoke plenums shall be protected by detectors.

d. Magnetic (short circuit) trips are permitted for use in motor circuits of electric motor driven pumps.

e. The sprinkler control valves and ancillary equipment shall be located in the fire pump/ tank room.

f. The flexible tube of metal construction and braided are permitted for connection to individual sprinklers and to rigid pipework above suspended ceiling and shall be of approved/ listed type.

g. Sprinklers installed in lift shafts and lift motor rooms shall be protected by stout metal guards and shall have a temperature rating of not less than 68ºC.

6.4.3 System design

a. Connection to the OCC

The sprinkler system shall be electrically monitored so that on the operation of any sprinkler head, the fire signal is automatically transmitted to the OCC via main fire alarm panel.

b. Fire pumps

Installation of fire pumps for sprinkler systems shall comply with requirements of SS CP 52. Sprinkler pumps shall be installed within a fire compartmented fire pump room, whose fire rating shall be in accordance with Table 6.4A. The sprinkler pump/ control panel shall not be lower than the main floor level.

c. Location plan

A floor plan showing the locations of the sprinkler tank room, sprinkler pump room, breeching inlets and control valves shall be prominently displayed next to the main fire alarm panel.

6.4.4 Special purpose rooms

a. Where a station is required to be provided with an automatic sprinkler system under this Code, parts of the station which are used for purposes stipulated in Table 6.4A shall be compartmented in accordance with columns 3(a) and 3(b) of the table.

b. Where a station is not required to be provided with an automatic sprinkler system under this Code, special purpose rooms stipulated in Table 6.4A shall be compartmented in accordance with columns 2(a) and 2(b).

c. For the protection of controls, signalling or communication equipment rooms critical for the railway operation, if automatic sprinklers are to be replaced by an automatic fire extinguishing system, the enclosure to the hazard or occupancy shall comply with all of the following:

(1) it shall be constructed to have 1-hr fire resistance rating;

(2) any door opening shall be protected with a 1-hr fire door;

(3) it shall not be provided with more than two exits;

(4) the direct travel distance to any exit door of the enclosure shall not exceed 15m; and

(5) the fire extinguishing system shall use clean agent and shall conform to Cl.6.5.2.