The objectives of QRA are:
- To identify hazards and quantify the risks related to the transport, handle and storage of P&FM;
- To recommend practical measures to reduce the hazards and risks to as low as reasonably practicable;
- To establish (where applicable) Health & Safety (H&S) buffers to guide land use planning; and
- To use for information sharing and emergency planning purposes.
The Major Hazard Department (MHD) is an inter-agency (MOM/NEA/SCDF) regulatory office that has been set up in MOM since 1 September 2016 to implement the Safety Case Regime. It would also act as a single regulatory front to handle and coordinate all QRA submissions.
The responsible party is advised to approach MHD ( at the earliest possible time (e.g. basic concept and design stage / pre-Front End Engineering Design (FEED) stage) for pre-consultations (e.g. need for QRA study, expected timeline) and clarifications, to facilitate the QRA assessment process. The responsible party is requested to submit the QRA pre-consultation form when they approach MHD. Please refer to Appendix A for the QRA pre-consultation form template.
If a QRA study is required, the responsible party is to engage a registered QRA consultant to carry out the QRA study. The QRA report would be evaluated by a multi-agency (SCDF/NEA/MOM/URA/JTC/SPF) committee. Any findings and recommendations from the QRA report pertaining to fire safety provisions shall be adequately addressed in the fire safety plan submission. The responsible party shall obtain the in-principle no objection to the QRA report before any commencement of works. Please refer to the NEA website for the list of registered QRA consultants. Please refer to Appendix B for the key regulatory control cycle for the transport/handle/storage of P&FM in Singapore.