W.e.f. 1 Apr 2024 onwards, refresher training for Fire Station Emergency Medical Technicians will be enhanced and the In Camp Training period will be extended from 19 to 23 days. Please check with your Deputy Commander Fire Station or unit for more info.

W.e.f. 1 Jul 2024, SCDF will change its sender ID for NS Mobilisation matters from “91449746” to “80709995”. This follows the gov.sg SMS Sender ID announcement on 13 Jun 2024 and aims to help recipients recognise and authenticate SMSes from SCDF.

Please be informed that Tampines Fire Station will not be hosting the weekly Saturday Fire Station Open House on 8 Mar 2025. Please refer to the list of other Fire Stations that are available for visits.
Please be informed that Central Fire Station will not be hosting the weekly Saturday Fire Station Open House on 26 Apr 2025. Please refer to the list of other Fire Stations that are available for visits.




List of Projects involving Performance-Based Fire Safety Design

Before undertaking any addition and alteration (A/A) works, the building owner/developer/building management should first notify the qualified person (QP) undertaking such works that the fire safety works in the building are designed based on performance-based approach. The QP is thus required to check the above documents to determine if such works affect the performance-based fire safety design of the building. If so, a fire safety engineer has to be engaged.

To assist the relevant parties involved in identifying such buildings, SCDF has attached a list of building projects which have adopted performance-based fire safety design. Upon identification of the building, the QP involved in the A/A works is expected to make reference to the relevant plans and documents such as the Fire Engineering Report and Operations & Maintenance Manual to determine if the A/A works affect the performance-based fire safety design of the building. Please note that this list is only updated periodically and the SCDF will not be held accountable for any performance-based projects that are not contained in the list. The responsibility of identifying a building with performance-based fire safety design still rests with the building owner/developer/ building management and the QP undertaking the A/A works.