Before undertaking any addition and alteration (A/A) works, the building owner/developer/building management should first notify the qualified person (QP) undertaking such works that the fire safety works in the building are designed based on performance-based approach. The QP is thus required to check the above documents to determine if such works affect the performance-based fire safety design of the building. If so, a fire safety engineer has to be engaged.
To assist the relevant parties involved in identifying such buildings, SCDF has attached a list of building projects which have adopted performance-based fire safety design. Upon identification of the building, the QP involved in the A/A works is expected to make reference to the relevant plans and documents such as the Fire Engineering Report and Operations & Maintenance Manual to determine if the A/A works affect the performance-based fire safety design of the building. Please note that this list is only updated periodically and the SCDF will not be held accountable for any performance-based projects that are not contained in the list. The responsibility of identifying a building with performance-based fire safety design still rests with the building owner/developer/ building management and the QP undertaking the A/A works.