W.e.f. 1 Apr 2024 onwards, refresher training for Fire Station Emergency Medical Technicians will be enhanced and the In Camp Training period will be extended from 19 to 23 days. Please check with your Deputy Commander Fire Station or unit for more info.

W.e.f. 1 Jul 2024, SCDF will change its sender ID for NS Mobilisation matters from “91449746” to “80709995”. This follows the gov.sg SMS Sender ID announcement on 13 Jun 2024 and aims to help recipients recognise and authenticate SMSes from SCDF.

Please be informed that Tampines Fire Station will not be hosting the weekly Saturday Fire Station Open House on 8 Mar 2025. Please refer to the list of other Fire Stations that are available for visits.
Please be informed that Central Fire Station will not be hosting the weekly Saturday Fire Station Open House on 26 Apr 2025. Please refer to the list of other Fire Stations that are available for visits.





Petroleum and Flammable Material (P&FM) storage are considered high risk activities as they pose a threat to life and property in the event of fire. Hence application for their issuance is mandatory to achieve a safer working environment. The licencing authority is the Storage Risk Branch of HazMat Department, HQ SCDF.

P&FM Storage Requirement

All premises that store P&FM (including scheduled chemical), have to comply with fire safety requirements. All storage of P&FM must be indicated in building plans submitted to SCDF for approval.

The storage of any scheduled chemical, regardless of quantity, requires a licence to store. Other than scheduled chemical, P&FM storage licence is not required if the quantity stored is below the licence exemption quantity as follows:

Class 0 Petroleum
Any Other Classes of Petroleum
Flammable Materials
P&FM Mixtures
Fire Safety Works Incorporated During Building Plan Stage, Pertaining To Storage/Keeping of Flammable Materials

In general, all buildings are to comply with the Fire Code. Storage of P&FM will need to comply to standards and codes which are referenced in the Fire Code. The Fire Code is available on SCDF internet website.

You need to engage a Qualified Person (QP) to ensure that the storage complies with Fire Safety requirements by submitting the approved plan and Fire Safety Certificate.

You can come to SCDF for a walk-in consultation to clarify issue pertaining to minor storage and storage in fire safety cabinets, or any other matters pertaining to fire safety requirements on storage of P&FM. To assist SCDF Fire Safety Consultants, you are advised to bring with you a copy of your building's layout plan and the list of flammable materials and storage quantity.

Storage Application

To apply for storage license, applicant needs to:

  • Check with MOM/Major Hazards Department on QRA submission (if applicable)
  • Engage a Qualified Person (QP) to prepare and submit plan to SCDF
  • Submit plan(s) that incorporate with the fire safety works in accordance with the Fire Codes and other accepted codes


A registered inspector (RI) will apply Fire Safety Certificate (FSC) after he has certified that fire safety works are completed and in accordance with the approved building plans.

The applicant can apply for P&FM storage licence on-line via GoBusiness Portal.

For more information on the application of storage licence, you may refer to the GoBusiness Guide

Documents to Be Submitted
Licence Costing & Validity Period

The P&FM storage licence validity is up to 3 years (based on the risk) and the fees listed in the table below are based on annual fee payable per licenced premises:

Petroleum & Flammable Material (Liquid)

Not exceeding 500 L


Exceeding 500 L but not exceeding 5,000 L


Exceeding 5,000 L but not exceeding 50,000 L


Exceeding 50,000 L but not exceeding 250,000 L


Exceeding 250,000 L but not exceeding 450,000 L


For subsequent 450,000 L or part thereof


Flammable Material (Solid)

Not exceeding 200 kg


Exceeding 200 kg but not exceeding 5, 000 kg


For subsequent 5,000 kg or part thereof


Flammable Material (Gaseous)

Not exceeding 50 kg


Exceeding 50 kg but not exceeding 5,000 kg


For subsequent 5,000 kg or part thereof


Amendment of Licence

Additional copy of licence


Amendment of licence or permit


For storage of mixture containing P&FM, the fees calculated will be based on the volume of mixture rather than the P&FM components in the mixture.   

For mixed storage of P&FM (liquid, solid or gaseous), the fees will be computed based on the table.

  • Eg. If you store several kinds of petroleum/flammable materials of which consist of solids, liquids and gases, the total fees ($608) will be computed based on P&FM liquid (<500 litres)- $ 184 + P&FM Solid (<200 kg)- $212 + P&FM liquid (<50 kg) – $212.
Fire Safety Conditions to Fulfil
  1. To keep and maintain a register of all P&FM stored or kept at the licensed premises, their quantities, movement, and their Safety Data Sheets;
  2. To ensure that ventilation, means of escape, structural fire precautions, fire prevention and extinguishing systems of the licensed premises are maintained and functioning in accordance with the approved building plans;
  3. To take all practicable steps to prevent fire, explosion, leakage or ignition of any P&FM in the premises;
  4. To disallow activity that may cause fire, explosion, leakage or ignition of any P&FM in the premises including activity that is not necessary for the purpose of storage or keeping of P&FM in the premises;
  5. To ensure that all entrances, passageways, exits and other means of escape in the premises are free from obstruction at all times;
  6. To ensure that the premises are accessible to fire engines, ambulances and other emergency vehicles at all times;
  7. To ensure that the storage/stacking of P&FM will limit the spread of any fire that occurs, not endanger the occupants in the course of their work and not hinder access for emergency vehicles or occupants to escape;
  8. To prevent unauthorized persons from entering the premises and to limit staff access to area where P&FM are stored;
  9. To keep the premises clean and in good condition. The premises should be clear of dry grass, unmown grass and vegetation, undergrowth, debris and other combustible material;
  10. To provide and maintain such types and quantities of fire-fighting material and equipment as may be required by the Commissioner;
  11. To provide and maintain such types and quantities of sensors as may be required by the Commissioner;
  12. To ensure that personnel who are required to handle P&FM in the premises are conversant with the law, the approved codes of practice and the actions to be taken in the event of fire, explosion, leakage or other similar emergency;
  13. To establish and maintain such number of persons as in-house, on-site Company Emergency Response Team (CERT) as the Commissioner may direct;
  14. To ensure that CERT members are competent in handling incidents involving P&FM in the event of any fire, explosion, leakage or other similar emergency;
  15. To ensure that all CERT members have successfully passed the competency test;
  16. To subject the CERT to periodic assessment of its emergency preparedness;
  17. To adopt security measures such as installation of security equipment including close circuit cameras at appropriate locations within the licensed premises, preventing any unauthorized person from gaining access or performing unauthorized activity and reducing the storage quantity of P&FM within such time as specified by the Commissioner;
  18. To prepare and keep up-to-date an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) to deal with spillage, leakage, accidental discharge or other emergency, include the off-site impact, if any. You may access the following link for the guidelines for ERP.
Guidelines for Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
  1. To ensure that all persons working in the premises are familiar with the contents of the ERP.
  2. The ERP should cover the following:
    • Identification of likely accidental scenarios and establishment of the likely impact zones;
    • Notification and activation procedures;
    • Response actions to contain and control the release and to mitigate the impact zones;
    • Monitoring of the affected areas, including the off-site affected areas;
    • Procedures for decontamination and clean-up of affected areas;
    • Names of personnel with their assigned roles and responsibilities in dealing with the emergency (including the decontamination and clean-up of the affected areas);
    • List of emergency response equipment, including protective gears, fire-fighting equipment, oversized drums, emergency containers or tankers, absorbents, neutralizing agents, monitoring equipment and clean-up equipment, made available for dealing with the emergency; and
    • Any other information as required by the Commissioner.
  3. To subject the ERP for validation exercises, review, or amend within a time period specified by Commissioner;
  4. To ensure that there are adequate trained personnel and adequate equipment to deal with any emergency or accident;
  5. To implement the ERP in the event of any emergency.
  6. To ensure that no P&FM be sold or supplied to any person unless he has a valid licence to store or keep, or transport the P&FM;
  7. To ensure that the dispensing of P&FM from tanker into storage tank is carried out under close supervision of a person who has knowledge of and experience with the dispensing;
  8. To ensure that no lighted candle, cigarette, burning of joss sticks, or any naked light, fire or flame is permitted within the precincts when dispensing of P&FM is being carried out;
  9. To ensure that the engine of the vehicle is shut off during dispensing operations; the vehicle chassis must be first be earthed, the rate of filling must be limited to prevent any electrostatic discharge which may cause ignition of flammable vapors; the connections for dispensing must be properly secured and the quantity should not exceed its tank capacity; and
  10. To ensure sufficient numbers of appropriate emergency information panels and warning labels are installed at the approved storage area; To ensure that the storage containers for P&FM are the types that are designed and constructed in accordance with an approved standard
List of Qualified Persons (QP) and Registered Inspectors (RI)
You can obtain information on Qualified Persons from the Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA) at website: www.sia.org.sg and the Professional Engineers Board (PEB) at website: www.peb.gov.sg. For the list of RI, you may access the SCDF Download webpage.
New Additions Of Petroleum/Flammable Materials To My Existing Licence

You will need to inform SCDF (HazMat Department) about the new additions of petroleum/flammable materials to your existing licence. Alternatively, you may access the GoBusiness to submit an update to your existing licence.

Enhanced Security Measures

MHA and SCDF had conducted a review of the security framework for P&FM storage premises that are considered to be of high risks. The broad guidelines on the security measures required can be found here.

Under this security framework, SCDF will contact the high risk premises to arrange a site survey by MHA to assess the current security measures in place and identify any potential security gap. In consultation with the premises, MHA may recommend additional security measures (where applicable and necessary) to address these security gaps pertaining to the storage of P&FM. Thereafter, the premises are required to implement the agreed action plan to rectify the gaps, followed by an inspection of the completed rectification works. SCDF will continue to assist MHA to inspect these security measures as part of the P&FM storage licence renewal process.

For further enquires, please use the Feedback Form

For more information on Storage matters, please use the Feedback Form: