  • 995

    Fire Engine / Ambulance

  • 1777

    Non-Emergency Ambulance

  • Fire Hazard Reporting

    1800 280 0000

  • General Enquiries

    1800 286 5555

  • 995

    Fire Engine / Ambulance

  • 1777

    Non-Emergency Ambulance



Under the Enlisted Act, all male citizens and permanent residents (PRs) of Singapore are liable for National Service (NS).


Every NS-liable person will be notified by Central Manpower Base (CMPB) through a Registration Notice to register for NS and undergo a thorough medical examination to be medically categorized under the major Physical Employment Status (PES) classification, graded from A to F.


The PES grading will be used as part of the criteria for assignment of vocation during NS. Those who are operationally fit (PES ‘A’ & ‘B’) will be required to take the National Physical Fitness Award (NAPFA) Test. Only those who attain Gold or Silver award will be exempted from the Physical Training Phase (PTP) designed to improve their general fitness.

Life in Training Camp

Life in Training Camp


Full Time National Servicemen (NSF) of Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) will attend the Basic Rescue Training (BRT) whereby Civil Defence skills will be taught through participation in field exercise, lectures and proficiency tests. These include:

  • Footdrill
  • First Aid
  • Rescue Skills
  • Basic Fire Fighting Skills
  • Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT)
  • Rescue Equipment Proficiency Test (REPT)
  • Rescue Operation Exercise
  • Swimming and Field Sports

During the basic training, NSF will be required to stay in the camp. The company name and platoon number would be made known to NSF once they are enlisted. NSFs are supposed to pass this information to their families so that they can be reached for any emergency calls at the Basic Rescue Training Camp during the following periods:

During office hours (0800hrs – 1730hrs)
A (Alpha) Company Line: 6 794 5750, 6 794 5751
B (Bravo) Company Line: 6 794 5752, 6 794 5753
C (Charlie) Company Line: 6 794 5754, 6 794 5755
D (Delta) Coy Line : 6 794 5305, 6 794 5306

After Office Hours / Weekends
Duty Officer’s Office: 6 794 5723, 6 794 5724

Upon completion of BRT, NSF will attend their respective vocation courses and be assigned to one of the following vocations:

  • Clerk
  • Dog Handler
  • Driver
  • Fire Fighter
  • Fire & Rescue Specialist
  • Info Comms Operator
  • Medical Orderly
  • Provost
  • Rescuer (Special Rescue Bn)
  • Rescuer
  • Storeman
  • Technician

Monthly Allowance

CD Monthly Allowance


The pay structure of the NSF consists of rank pay and allowances:

(A) Rank Pay: This element is paid per the rank held by a NSF.

REC/PTE $480 x 25 - 900
LCP $500 x 25 – 940
CPL $550 x 30 – 1040
SCT $570
SGT $900 x 45 – 1740
OCT $760 ($960) *
2LT $1000 ($1200) *
LTA $1180 x 60 – 2300
($1380 x 60 – 2500) *
CPT $1880 x 95 – 3700
($2080 x 95 – 3900) *

*Rank allowance for Medical Officer (MO) is indicated in brackets.


(B) Skill Allowance: A monthly skill allowance ranging from $100 to $300 will be granted to selected vocations. NSF of these selected vocations must pass the various qualifying tests to qualify for the skill allowance.