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The following shall be observed:
a. Only the non-removable type of form-tie (form-tie without through opening) to secure formwork before casting of HS wall is permitted. Upon the removal of every recessible type of plastic cones from the form-tie, the recess shall be sealed with non-shrink grout. The use of reinforcement bar as form-tie is not permitted.
b. To avoid bending, warping or displacement of HS door frame and honeycombing due to inadequate compaction or leakage of cementitious grout, additional precaution to ensure adequate compaction shall be taken while casting the concrete near the HS door frame.
c. All embedded items shall be placed and tightly secured in their intended location to ensure their stability during casting. All hacking and drilling of HS tower walls, ceiling slabs or floor slabs are not permitted without prior approval.
d. The exposed surfaces of HS walls and soffit of HS ceiling slabs shall be cast with smooth concrete finish. A maximum of 2mm thick skim coat on the internal face of the HS walls and ceiling slabs of HS is allowed.
e. The concrete structural elements shall be adequately compacted to ensure air-tightness. Rectification to concrete areas with segregation or honeycombing shall not be carried out without prior approval.
f. Rectification to irregularities of exposed surfaces shall not be carried out without prior approval.
g. Method statement of the remedial work on structural elements, including HS door frame, shall be approved by the Commissioner of Building Control.