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Note: Cl.10.4 is omitted as these requirements are specified in the First Schedule of the “Electric Vehicles Charging (Electric Vehicle Chargers) Regulations 2023”
10.4.1 General
The requirements in Cl.10.4.2 are exempted for PG I buildings.
10.4.2 Emergency main isolation shut-off switches
a. Each EV charging station shall be provided with at least one emergency main isolation shut-off switch(es) located such that no person need to travel more than 15m from the EV charging station and its parking lot(s) to reach a main isolation shut-off switch.b. If more than one EV charging station is provided, the main isolation shut-off switch(es) shall be provided such that no person need to travel more than 15m from any EV charging station and its associated parking lot(s) to reach a main isolation shut-off switch. c. Main isolation switch(es) shall be located on the same storey as the EV charging station(s) they serve. The purpose of such main isolation shut-off switch(es) is to provide a safe means of isolating the main electrical power supply to the entire EV charging system on the same storey.d. Every EV charging stations and EV parking lots shall be located at least 3m away from the nearest edge of any main isolation shut-off switches.ExceptionMain isolation shut-off switches can be allowed to be less than 3m from an EV charging station and its parking lot(s), as long as there is at least one other main isolation shut-off switch located at least 3m away but still within 15m of this EV charging station and its parking lot(s).e. Main isolation shut-off switches shall be located between 800mm and 1.2m above the finished floor level and shall be located in a clearly visible and easily accessible location.f. All main isolation shut-off switches shall be clearly labelled. Clear instructions shall be indicated on how to operate the main isolation shut-off switch. Signages shall be provided with a letter height of at least 50mm.
g. Where main isolation shut-off switch(es) cannot be seen clearly or not within line of sight from the EV charging station and its parking lot(s), additional signages shall be provided to direct persons to the main isolation shut-off switch(es).
Updated 3 Mar 2025