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4.2.1 General
a. Fire engine accessways/ fire engine access roads shall be provided to ensure site accessibility for firefighting appliances.
b. Fire engine accessways shall have an adequate clear width for the deployment of firefighting appliances, in accordance with the habitable height and the type of building, as stipulated in Table 4.2A, Table 4.2B and Table 4.2C.
c. Fire engine access roads shall have a clear width of at least 4m.
d. Fire access openings shall be provided along the external walls of buildings fronting the fire engine accessway to provide access into the building for firefighting and rescue operations.
4.2.2 Fire engine accessway and fire engine access road
a. Provision
(1) PG I and II buildings
A fire engine accessway is not required for the following buildings, however, a fire engine access road for access by firefighting appliances hall be provided to within a travel distance of 60m of every point on the projected plan area of the following buildings:
(a) PG I buildings;
(b) PG II buildings of habitable height not exceeding 10m; and
(c) Cluster housing.
(2) Non-residential standalone buildings within PG II development
Non-residential standalone buildings, such as clubhouses, car parks, etc. (excluding guardhouses and substations) that are located within a PG II housing development, shall comply with Cl.4.2.2a.(4), Cl.4.2.2a.(5), Cl.4.2.2a.(6) or Cl.4.2.2a.(7), depending on the habitable heights and usage of the buildings.
(3) PG II buildings exceeding 10m habitable height
For a building under PG II that exceeds the habitable height of 10m, all of the following shall be complied with:
(a) A fire engine accessway/ fire engine access road shall be provided within a travel distance of 18m to the entrance of all exit staircases where the landing valves (dry or wet riser) are provided in accordance with Cl.6.2.2b..
(b) A fire engine accessway of at least ¼ length of perimeter (minimum 15m), whichever is greater, shall be provided to access at least one façade of each block. This is to facilitate rescue with direct access to unit windows (excluding exit staircase, smoke-free approach to exit staircase). For the purpose of computing the extent of perimeter for fire engine accessway, only the external facade perimeters of residential units are required to be included. Common areas such as corridors/ lobbies, lift/ service shafts, exit staircase, landscape areas, etc., can be omitted from the computation.
(c) The fire engine accessway shall be designed to meet the specifications stipulated in Table 4.2A, Table 4.2D and Table 4.2E.
(4) PG III, IV, V & VII buildings not exceeding 10m habitable height
For buildings under PG III, IV, V and VII not exceeding the habitable height of 10m, a fire engine accessway is not required. However, a fire engine access road for access by firefighting appliances shall be provided to within a travel distance of 45m of every point on the projected plan area of the building.
(5) Basement
In the case of a basement, the fire engine accessway/ fire engine access road shall be provided to within a travel distance of 18m to the entrance of all exit staircases where the landing valves (dry or wet riser) are provided in accordance with Cl.6.2.2b.. The measurement of 18m shall be between the fire engine accessway/ fire engine access road and the entrance of exit staircase.
(6) PG III, IV, V & VII buildings exceeding 10m habitable height
For buildings under PG III, IV, V and VII exceeding the habitable height of 10m, a fire engine accessway shall be located directly below the fire access openings to provide direct reach to the designated fire access panels. The required length of fire engine accessway shall be computed based on the largest Accessible Floor Area (AFA) of any aboveground floors as follows:
(a) for interconnected floors, including basements connected to aboveground floors, the AFA shall be the aggregate AFA of all the interconnected floors, or
(b) for buildings with more than one group of interconnected floors, the AFA shall be taken as the largest of the aggregate floor areas among the groups of interconnected floors.
AFA (m2) | Required length of perimeter | |
Non-sprinkler-protected | Sprinkler-protected | |
≤ 2000 | â…™ (at least 15m) | â…™ (at least 15m) |
> 2000 & ≤ 4000 | ¼ | |
> 4000 & ≤ 8000 | ½ | ¼ |
> 8000 & ≤ 16000 | ¾ | ½ |
> 16000 & ≤ 32000 | island site | ¾ |
>32000 | island site |
(7) PG VI and VIII buildings
For buildings under PG VI and VIII, a fire engine accessway shall be provided for firefighting appliances. The required length of the fire engine accessway shall be calculated based on the following gross cubical extent of the building (excluding basement) as follows:
Cubicle Extent (m3) | Required length of perimeter | |
Non-sprinkler-protected | Sprinkler-protected | |
≤ 28400 | â…™ (at least 15m) | â…™ (at least 15m) |
> 28400 & ≤ 56800 | ¼ | |
> 56800 & ≤ 85200 | ½ | ¼ |
> 85200 & ≤ 113600 | ¾ | ¼ |
> 113600 & ≤ 170400 | island site | ½ |
> 170400 & ≤ 227200 | ¾ | |
>227200 | island site |
(8) Mixed-use buildings
(a) Where the non-residential component of the building occupies only the lower portion of the building, the measurement of habitable height for determining the provisions of a fire engine accessway/fire engine access road shall be based on the non- residential component of the building.
(b) For mixed-use buildings without PG II usage, the length of fire engine accessway shall be computed based on the following, whichever is larger:
(i) the gross cubical extent of the PG VI or VIII usages; or
(ii) the larger compartmented floor area, for purpose groups other than PG VI and VIII.
(c) For mixed-use buildings with PG II usage, the length of fire engine accessway for mixed-use buildings shall be computed based on Cl.4.2.2a.(6) above. In addition, Cl.4.2.2a.(3) shall also be complied with.
b. Width of fire engine accessway
The width of fire engine accesssway shall be as specified in Table 4.2A, Table 4.2B and Table 4.2C. Such fire engine accessway shall be able to accommodate the entry and manoeuvring of firefighting appliances, and extended ladder firefighting appliances, with turntable and/or hydraulic platforms.
c. Location
The fire engine accessway shall be positioned so that the nearer edge shall be at least 2m or at most 10m from the centre position of the fire access opening, measured horizontally.
(1) The horizontal distance can be extended to at most 13m, provided the height between the fire engine accessway and centre position of the following is not more than 20m:
(a) fire access openings, or
(b) windows of PG II residential units.
d. Gradients of fire engine accessway/ fire engine access road
The fire engine accessway shall be laid on a level platform. If on an incline, the gradient shall not exceed 1:15. A fire engine access road shall be laid on an incline not exceeding a gradient of 1:8.3.
e. Turning facilities
(1) A dead end fire engine accessway/ fire engine access road shall not exceed 46m in length. If exceeding 46m, it shall be provided with cul-de-sac turning facility as shown in Diagram 4.2.2e..
(2) The U-turn radii for firefighting appliances on a fire engine accessway/ fire engine access road shall comply with the requirements as shown in Diagram 4.2.2e..
f. Overhead clearance
An overhead structure shall only be permitted over a fire engine accessway/fire engine access road subject to all of the following (see Diagram 4.2.2f.):
(1) the overhead clearance for passage of firefighting appliances shall be at least 4.5m;
(2) the width of the overhead structure shall not be more than 10m;
(3) where more than one overhead structure spans across the fire engine accessway/ fire engine access road, the separation distance between two adjacent overhead structures shall be at least 20m apart;
(4) the length of the end-stretch of the fire engine accessway/ fire engine access road shall be at least 20m with no overhead structure; and
(5) the length of fire engine accessway required for the building shall exclude the stretch of fire engine accessway with the overhead structure.
g. Public road
Public roads can serve as a fire engine accessway, provided the location of such public roads is in compliance with the requirements of distance from fire access openings.
h. Obstruction
Fire engine accessways/ fire engine access roads shall be kept clear of obstructions at all times. Plants, trees or other fixtures shall not obstruct the path between the fire engine accessway and fire access openings.
(1) Where an access control system for unmanned building (exclude PG I building) such as a barrier, sliding/ swing gate, etc. is provided at the entrance into the development, such systems
(a) shall automatically open upon detection of firefighting appliances (such as In-vehicle Unit (IU) for emergency vehicles) or activation of the building fire alarm, and shall remain open until the access control system has been manually reset; and
(b) shall be arranged to open automatically from a fail-safe manual override device located 1.2m above the floor and within 1.5m facing the external side of the development, with the manual override device readily accessible and clearly identified by a sign that reads “Emergency Release”.
(2) For manned building, the barrier at the entrance into the development shall be immediately opened/removed upon building’s fire alarm activation.
i. Marking of fire engine accessway and fire engine access road
(1) All fire engine accessway/ fire engine access road shall be marked, except where public roads are designated as fire engine accessway/ fire engine access road.
(2) Metalled/ non-metalled or paved/ non-paved surface fire engine accessways/ fire engine access roads shall be marked with reflective white or yellow strips of size not less than 100mm (W) x 400mm (L), or white or yellow road stud reflectors of size not less than 100mm (W) x 100mm (L) x 18mm (H). The markings or reflectors shall be visible at all times and shall be provided on both sides of the fire engine accessways/ fire engine access roads at an alternate interval of not more than 5m. Markings or reflectors shall also mark all corners and turning corners of the fire engine accessway. See Diagram 4.2.2i.(2) -1 & 2.
(3) A sign with white background and red pictogram with upper case wording of not less than 70mm in height shall be provided at the start, junction, and end of a fire engine accessway/ fire engine access road. The height measured from the ground to the lowest point of the sign shall be between 2.3m and 2.4m. The sign shall be reflective, visible and unobstructed at all times and shall be positioned adjacent to the fire engine accessway/ fire engine access road. For locations where there are more than one of such signs, the signs can be placed on the same post. See Diagram 4.2.2i.(3).
j. Design of fire engine accessway and fire engine access road
(1) Fire engine accessway sizes
The minimum width, length and turning radii of a fire engine accessway shall be in accordance with Table 4.2A, Table 4.2B and Table 4.2C and Diagram 4.2.2e.. Diagram 4.2.2j(1) – 1 to 3 shows the relationship between the fire engine accessway and parked firefighting appliance with its front and rear jacks extended.
(2) Fire engine accessways and fire engine access roads, which can be on suspended slabs, metalled/ non-metalled roads, paved/ non-paved surfaces, ground laid with strengthened perforated slabs, etc., shall be designed to withstand both stationary and axle loading capacity of firefighting appliances respectively as stipulated in Table 4.2D and Table 4.2E. Where a fire engine access road is used for linking fire engine accessway, its loading and turning radius shall comply with the specifications for fire engine accessway.
k. Ancillary usage of fire engine accessway/ fire engine access road
Fire engine accessway/ fire engine access road shall not be turned into other usages such as pond, water features, car parking lots (including loading & unloading), etc. Turfing of fire engine accessway/fire engine access road is only permitted on the straight stretch of the fire engine accessway/ fire engine access road with gradient not exceeding 1:15.
l. Bi-directional fire engine accessway/ fire engine access road
For buildings with vehicular entries/ exits that provides bi-directional access, both directions shall be designed with sufficient turning radius and width to allow firefighting appliances to manoeuvre along the fire engine accessway/ fire engine access road in the intended traffic direction as shown in Diagram 4.2.2l..
4.2.3 Fire access opening to building for firefighting
a. Provision
Fire access openings shall be provided on the external wall for external firefighting and rescue operations. This can include unobstructed external wall openings, windows, balcony doors, glazed wall panels and access panels. There shall be a minimum clearance area of 3.5m in width and 2.5m in height around the fire access opening, and with minimum clearance distance of 1.1m measured below the lower edge of the fire access opening, and 400mm measured above the upper edge of the fire access opening. Windows, doors, wall panels or access panels shall be readily openable from the inside and outside, unless fitted with non-laminated and breakable glazing (e.g., float, annealed or heat strengthened glass). The inside and outside of fire access openings shall be unobstructed at all times during the occupancy of the building. There shall be no furniture or any other obstruction within 1m from the fire access openings at the landing inside the building.
b. Location
The fire access opening shall be placed against an occupied space. It shall not be placed at a plant/store room, common corridor, exit staircase, smoke-free approach to exit staircase or space that leads only to a dead end.
c. Signage
Panels to fire access openings shall be indicated with either a red or orange triangle of equal sides (minimum 150mm on each side), which can be upright or inverted, on the external side of the wall and with the wordings "Firefighting Access - Do Not Obstruct" of at least 25mm height on the internal side.
d. Size
Fire access openings shall be not less than 850mm wide by 1m high with sill height of not more than 1.1m, and head height not less than 1.8m above the inside finished floor level.
(1) The sill height can be extended to at most 1.25m for those fire access openings that are located at roof garden/ terrace.
e. Number and position of fire access openings for buildings other than residential
(1) Number of fire access opening
For PG III to VIII, the number of fire access opening shall be based on the length of the fire engine accessway. Every 20m of fire engine accessway or part thereof shall be provided with an access panel.
(2) Position
Fire access openings shall be remote from each other and located along the side of the building. Such fire access openings shall be spaced at most 20m apart measured along the external wall from centre to centre of the fire access openings. The fire access opening shall be distributed such that there is at least one opening at every 20m of the fire engine accessway, except for parts of the non-PG VI or non-PG VIII building that are single-storey.
(3) Fire access opening to compartment or spaces
(a) For buildings under PG III, IV, V and VII exceeding the habitable height of 10m, and up to 90m, fire access openings are required at every storey level, other than the 1st storey, and shall face the fire engine accessway directly.
(b) For building under PG VI and VIII, fire engine access openings located over a fire engine accessway shall be provided along the external walls, up to a habitable height of 90m.
(4) Additional openings for ventilation
For buildings under PG III to VIII where an area or space has a ceiling height greater than 10m, additional high level ventilation openings for smoke venting and firefighting purposes shall be provided and located in the external walls opening into the area or space, except for an area or space that is provided with engineered smoke control system and/ or smoke purging system. The ventilation opening shall meet the following criteria:
(a) the number and location of the openings shall comply with Cl.4.2.3e.(1) and Cl.4.2.3e.(2).
(b) the dimensions of the openings shall comply with Cl.4.2.3d.;
(c) the openings can be in the form of openable panels/louvres, breakable glazing, or permanent openings; and
(d) the openings shall not be indicated with the triangular signage as mentioned under Cl.4.2.3c., but instead be labelled with red wording, “DO NOT ENTER – FOR SMOKE VENTING ONLY”, of height not less than 50mm and visible from the building exterior.
f. Exemption
The provision of fire access openings shall not be applicable:
(1) buildings under PG I and II, including buildings of non-residential ancillary usage (such as a gym, club rooms open-to-sky roof garden, intermediate floor sky terrace, etc.) within the residential occupancy.
(2) aboveground multi-storey car park where parapet walls are provided to comply with ventilation requirements stipulated in Cl.3.2.8.
Updated 3 Mar 2025