W.e.f. 1 Apr 2024 onwards, refresher training for Fire Station Emergency Medical Technicians will be enhanced and the In Camp Training period will be extended from 19 to 23 days. Please check with your Deputy Commander Fire Station or unit for more info.

W.e.f. 1 Jul 2024, SCDF will change its sender ID for NS Mobilisation matters from “91449746” to “80709995”. This follows the gov.sg SMS Sender ID announcement on 13 Jun 2024 and aims to help recipients recognise and authenticate SMSes from SCDF.

Please be informed that Bukit Batok Fire Station will not be hosting the weekly Saturday Fire Station Open House from 30 Sep 2023 to Mar 2025. Please refer to the list of other Fire Stations that are available for visits.
Please be informed that Central Fire Station will not be hosting the weekly Saturday Fire Station Open House on 26 Apr 2025. Please refer to the list of other Fire Stations that are available for visits.




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11.3.1 General

All regulated fire safety products shall be certified and have valid CoCs before they can be used on/in buildings as part of fire safety works in Singapore (henceforth, for the purpose of this Chapter, “use in Singapore” shall be taken to mean “on/in buildings as part of fire safety works in Singapore”).

11.3.2 Age of test reports for regulated fire safety products

Certification of regulated fire safety products under the Product Listing Scheme shall be based on test report(s) that were issued within the specified timeframes, as listed below.

Certification Scheme
(with reference to Table 11A)
Age of Test Reports that can be
Considered for Issuance of CoC
Scheme 1b Less than 5 years
Scheme 2 Discrete systems Less than 5 years
Non-discrete systems Less than 10 years
Scheme 5 Discrete systems Less than 5 years
Non-discrete systems Less than 10 years


11.3.3 Validity of CoC for regulated fire safety product

a. A valid CoC is as defined under Part V of the FSA.

b. A CoC for regulated fire safety products is valid for 5 years from the date of issuance.

c. A CoC which is terminated, expired or withdrawn shall be considered permanently invalid, whereas a CoC which is suspended shall be considered temporarily invalid till the suspension is lifted.

d. The status of the CoC will determine whether the regulated fire safety products are permitted to be supplied and used in Singapore. Information relating to the CoCs, including the status, can be verified against CBs’ online directories.

(1)   For products with valid CoCs at the date of delivery to the project site, i.e. not suspended, terminated, expired or withdrawn, these are permitted to be used in Singapore.

(2)   For products with CoCs that are not valid on the date of delivery to the project site, i.e. suspended, terminated, expired or withdrawn, usage of these products in Singapore is prohibited.

(3)   Notwithstanding (1), for products with CoCs that were valid on the date of delivery, but are subsequently withdrawn, usage of the affected batches of such products in Singapore is subject to further assessment and investigation by SCDF and/or the CBs.

(4)   Notwithstanding (1), for products with CoCs that were valid on the date of delivery, but are subsequently suspended for fire safety reasons, e.g. pending investigation, it is not recommended that such products be used, as the investigation may show that the products are non-compliant and cannot be used (e.g. products that have been installed will need to be replaced/removed).

(5)   CBs shall not allow the termination of a CoC which is suspended for fire safety reasons, or which is under investigation by SCDF.

11.3.4 Accreditation requirements

a. Regulated fire safety products used in fire safety works shall be certified by a local certification body accredited by SAC.

b. Regulated fire safety products shall be accompanied by test reports from testing laboratories accredited by SAC or recognised by SAC via the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) MRA.

c. Any new CB participating in the PLS shall notify SCDF, in writing, of its accreditation by SAC, and submit its Certificate of Accreditation and Schedule issued by SAC for SCDF’s record. SCDF may request for additional information from the CB.

11.3.5 Certification requirements

a. General requirements

CoCs issued for products intended for use in Singapore shall bear SAC’s accreditation mark.

b. Information submitted for new CoC applications

The following information, at minimum, shall be submitted to a CB for application of a CoC. Where the information/documents are not provided in English, an official English translation, endorsed by a Notary Public, shall also be provided:

(1)   CoC applicant details, including:

(a)   Unique Entity Number (UEN) issued by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), or foreign equivalent, where applicable;

(b)   Full names of the company directors, or equivalent;

(c)   Name, address, contact number and email address of the company;

(d)   Where the applicant is a foreign company, the details of the appointed local representative, for parts (1)(a) through (1)(c) shall also be included; and

(e)   Proof of partnership between the local representative and foreign CoC holder.

(2)   Manufacturer’s details, for all of the manufacturing plants of components of the regulated fire safety product affecting fire safety, including:

(a)   Country, name, address, contact number and email address of the manufacturer.

(3)   Certification scheme details, including:

(a)   Product category as classified under Table 11A; and

(b)   Certification scheme, according to Cl 11.2.10 – 11.2.12.

(4)   Product details, including:

(a)   Brand and model, as determined by the manufacturer;

(b)   Density and weight, where applicable, measured in kg/m3 and kg, respectively;

(c)   Dimensions, where applicable, measured in mm; and

(d)   Latest product catalogue stipulating the specifications and user instructions.

(5)   Details of type tests, including:

(a)   The reference number of the test report;

(b)   Test standards (including version of the test standard, i.e. year) which the product is tested to;

(c)   Description of the product component and manner of test, where applicable (e.g. tested with the core face exposed to heat);

(d)   Outcome of the test, in terms of fire performance (e.g. 60-min integrity), where applicable;

(e)   Insulation test results, where applicable; and

(f)    Integrity test results, where applicable.

c. Documents submitted for new CoC applications - The following documents shall also be submitted for CoC applications:

(1)   Test reports, including the full type test reports and other test(s) required by the CB (e.g. material tests), which shall be:

(a)   In full colour; and

(b)   Bear the brand and model of the regulated fire safety product.

(2)   For each test report, the credentials of the accredited laboratory which issued the test report, including:

(a)   Documentation that the test laboratory is accredited by SAC or recognised by SAC via ILAC MRA and

(b)   The accreditation scope indicating the test laboratory is accredited to perform such a test.

d. Information and documents submitted for renewal of CoC.

CoC holders shall submit the information stipulated in Cl 11.3.5b.(1) and (2) and provide the date of issue of the very first CoC that had been issued for the product (i.e. “Original date of issue”). The CB shall make an assessment on whether there is a need to submit information stipulated in Cl 11.3.5b.(3) – (5), as well as documents stipulated in Cl 11.3.5c.(1) and (2). CB may require submission of any further information/documents as it deems fit.

Updated 2 Sep 2024