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  • 995

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Height Rescue at Construction Site at 12, Whampoa East
04 June 2014

At about 10.20am, SCDF received a call informing that a man was feeling unwell on top of a tower crane at a height of about 40m. 2 Fire Engines, 2 Fire Bikes, 2 Ambulances and 3 Supporting Vehicles were dispatched to the location.

Upon SCDF"s arrival, the man was not injured or trapped, but was too weak to descend on his own from the tower crane"s operator cabin. SCDF Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team (DART) rescuers gained access to the man by climbing the tower ladder and secured him with safety lines and harness before lowering him to safety.

SCDF paramedic at site immediately rendered medical assistance to the man and conveyed him to Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

The whole rescue operation lasted for about 80mins.


SCDF DART Rescuer securing the man with safety lines and harness


SCDF DART Rescuer securing the man and lowering him to safety


SCDF DART Rescuer securing the man and lowering him to safety