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Island-wide sounding of the Public Warning System (PWS) on Sunday, 15 Feb 2015 at 6.20pm
12 February 2015

The SCDF will be sounding the "Important Message" signal through the island-wide network of Public Warning System (PWS) sirens on Sunday, 15 February 2015 at 6.20 pm, in support of Total Defence (TD) Day.

Members of the public are advised not to be alarmed by the minute-long sounding exercise. When the signal is sounded, members of the public can immediately tune in to any local radio station for a brief message on the PWS.

Held annually, the PWS sounding on TD Day marks Singapore"s surrender to the Japanese on 15 February 1942 during the Second World War. Previously, the PWS sounding on TD Day was held at 12.05pm. From this year, the SCDF will activate the signal at 6.20pm, which is the historical time that the British surrendered to the Japanese in 1942. It will give added meaning when we mark TD Day, and also serve as a solemn reminder to Singaporeans to take emergency preparedness seriously.

Members of the public are also encouraged to learn more about the PWS signals and other emergency procedures by visiting the SCDF website at

To prevent any undue public alarm, we seek your assistance to carry the above news in your news bulletins to forewarn and remind the public on the sounding.