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Official launch of the NTU-CD Lionhearter Club (FIRST in a university)
11 August 2016

The SCDF, in collaboration with the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), has officially launched the Civil Defence (CD) Lionhearter club at NTU today, 11th August 2016.

NTU is the first university in Singapore to establish a CD Lionhearter club, which provides an avenue for tertiary students to be engaged in civil defence, emergency preparedness and overseas humanitarian missions.

First launched at Singapore Polytechnic in 2009, the CD Lionhearter club has been integral to SCDF"s efforts in youth engagement. With Junior CD Lionhearter clubs in 35 primary schools and CD Lionhearter clubs in all polytechnics and ITE colleges as well as NTU, these children and youths are a vital element of community resilience and form a critical pool of our young Community First Responders.

The launch of the latest CD Lionhearter club in NTU is also part of SCDF"s efforts to support the SGSecure national movement, particularly in promoting community resilience through the notion of Community First Response so as to enhance community self help in times of crisis such as a terror attack.

The event was graced by Associate Professor Ho Peng Kee, Chairman of the

Home Team Volunteer Network.

Background information

Students in the CD Lionhearter clubs (also known as "CD Lionhearters") are trained in emergency preparedness and lifesaving skills. Their core functions include:

To be Community First Responders in rendering assistance to those in distress during emergency be it within the school/campus or in the community;

To provide humanitarian assistance during overseas missions; and

To train the community in the "Triangle of Life" skillset " first aid, CPR-AED procedures and basic firefighting using fire extinguishers and hosereels.

There are more than 700 CD Lionhearters today and they are actively involved in many SCDF-related activities. These include educating the public in Emergency Preparedness (EP) knowledge and skills at events such as EP Days, the SCDF Workplan Seminar and the Home Team Festival.

In March last year during the Lying-in-State of our founding Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, the CD Lionhearters worked hand in hand with SCDF paramedics, members of the Civil Defence Auxilliary Unit and other SCDF youth volunteers to man several first aid posts round the clock at the Padang.

More recently, the CD Lionhearters have been deployed as roving first aiders on bicycles and mobile transporters in Pulau Ubin during some weekends in support of the Pulau Ubin"s Safety and Security Watch Group. They were also involved in nine overseas humanitarian projects in countries such as Indonesia and the Philippines.

Caption: NTU-CD Lionhearters with Assoc Prof Ho Peng Kee (centre, in grey), Commissioner Eric Yap (second row, 4th from right), Assoc Prof Kwok Kian Woon, Assoc Provost for Student Life (second row, 6th from right) and NTU staff members

Caption: A/P Ho Peng Kee applying Improvised First Aid Skills (IFAS) on a mock casualty

Caption: A/P Ho Peng Kee pinning the Lionhearter badge on the NTU-CD Lionhearter