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    Non-Emergency Ambulance

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    1800 280 0000

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    1800 286 5555

  • 995

    Fire Engine / Ambulance

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    Non-Emergency Ambulance

SCDF Operation Lionheart 55-Member Contingent Deployed to Christchurch, New Zealand : Final Update
14 March 2011

The remaining 30 members of the 55 member SCDF Operation Lionheart Contingent returned yesterday at Changi Airport, Terminal 3, at 1632hrs.

The Contingent was received by Senior Minister of State (Law and Home Affairs), Assoc Prof. Ho Peng Kee, Chief of Defence Force (CDF) - SAF, Commissioner SCDF, and the New Zealand High Commissioner. Family members were also at the airport to welcome home the Contingent.

This is the final update on SCDF"s Ops Lionheart deployment to Christchurch, New Zealand.