From 3 May 2021, Supplementary Enforcement Officers (SEOs) will support the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) in conducting fire safety enforcement checks. The Fire Safety (Amendment) Act 2019, which came into operation on 14 September 2020, empowers SCDF to appoint third parties to conduct enforcement checks.
The Need for Supplementary Enforcement Officers
2. Since 2016, SCDF has been conducting an average of 13,600 enforcement checks annually, with an average of 2,600 Fire Hazard Abatement Notices (FHANs) issued1 . A sizeable number of these fire safety infringements were straightforward and not complex in nature. For example, between 2016 and 2020, around 27 per cent of FHANs issued were for non-functioning exit signs and emergency lights.
3. In view of the increasing operational demands, coupled with manpower constraints, SCDF has decided to outsource straightforward enforcement checks to a third-party provider. This will allow SCDF officers to focus on more complex enforcement checks that require a higher level of fire safety knowledge and expertise.
4. SCDF will appoint a consortium from Singapore First Aid Training Centre Pte Ltd and ERCM Consultancy Pte Ltd to be the SEO operator under Section 8F of the Fire Safety Act. They were selected through an open tender.
Scope of SEO Enforcement Powers
5. The SEOs will only conduct fire safety enforcement checks and site inspections involving straightforward fire safety infringements that can be verified visually. Examples include the unauthorised change of use of premises such as the use of basement carparks as storage areas, obstruction of escape paths and fire engine accessway, non-maintenance of firefighting equipment such as fire hose reels, and non-functioning exit signs and emergency lights2 .
1 Between 2016 and 2020, SCDF conducted a total of 67,860 enforcement checks and issued 12,592 Fire Hazard Abatement Notices.
2 SEOs will conduct fire safety enforcement checks and site inspections for straightforward fire safety infringements including: Obstruction of escape paths; Obstruction of fire safety measures; Fire safety
Public Participation in Fire Safety Enforcement
6. SCDF takes a very serious view of fire safety and will continue to conduct frequent fire safety enforcement checks, both proactively and in response to public feedback. Fire safety is a collective responsibility and members of the public are encouraged to report any fire safety infringements they come across. They can do so by submitting photographs and a brief description of the fire safety infringements using the myResponder mobile application, by calling 1800 280 0000, or by sending an email to
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