Internet Payment services are being enhanced. Receipt downloads are temporarily unavailable. For receipt requests, email with your SCDF reference number. Our team will assist you. We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you.

W.e.f. 1 Apr 2024 onwards, refresher training for Fire Station Emergency Medical Technicians will be enhanced and the In Camp Training period will be extended from 19 to 23 days. Please check with your Deputy Commander Fire Station or unit for more info.

W.e.f. 1 Jul 2024, SCDF will change its sender ID for NS Mobilisation matters from “91449746” to “80709995”. This follows the SMS Sender ID announcement on 13 Jun 2024 and aims to help recipients recognise and authenticate SMSes from SCDF.

Please be informed that Bukit Batok Fire Station will not be hosting the weekly Saturday Fire Station Open House from 30 Sep 2023 to Feb 2025. Please refer to the list of other Fire Stations that are available for visits.

Our feedback form is temporarily unavailable due to technical issues. To reach us, please write to us via the emails listed on Thank you for your patience and understanding.




About the Operation Lionheart Contingent

In 2008, SCDF became the first organisation in the Asia-Pacific region to be classified as a Heavy Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Team by the United Nations International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG).  This is the highest level of recognition that can be accorded to USAR teams by the United Nations.  When prioritising the acceptance of international assistance and support, disaster-affected countries would regard SCDF's USAR capabilities favourably.

The dedicated 79-member SCDF Operation Lionheart contingent is always ready to provide urban search and rescue and / or humanitarian relief assistance to countries affected by major disasters, at a moment's notice.  The contingent comprises rescuers from SCDF's elite Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team (DART), as well as experts such as search dog handlers, rescue engineers, trauma paramedics, and doctors.

Since the formation of the Operation Lionheart Contingent in 1990, it had been deployed in numerous missions throughout the Asia Pacific region, rendering humanitarian assistance to countries hit by major disasters.