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a. Fire Safety Report is to document the provision of fire protection, life safety features and fire safety management in the station. This report serves as a useful reference to Fire Safety Managers (FSMs), station/ transit operator, Registered Inspectors (RIs), the SCDF and Qualified Persons (QPs) who carry out any subsequent additions and alteration works. Where the nature of the additions and alteration works would require the updating of the Fire Safety Report, the QP shall be responsible to submit revised and updated report to the station/ transit operator and the SCDF.
b. The project QP shall submit the fire safety report when making building plan submission for projects such as:
(1) Station exceeding 24m in habitable height or underground station exceeding 9m below grade level.
(2) Station with Accessible Floor Area (AFA) greater than 5000m2 or having a total occupant load exceeding 1000 persons.
(3) Stations exceeding 24m in habitable height where fire-rated drywalls are used for the construction of protected shafts for staircases and/or lifts.
(4) Stations exceeding one storey using fire-rated board protection or intumescent paints for structural steel.
(5) Stations with structural steel members coated with intumescent paint (for station of habitable height below 24m, only item a., b., d., e. & q. of paragraph 2 need to be included in the fire safety report).
c. In stations, where there may be presence of corrosive at¬mosphere that may affect the effectiveness of intumescent paints for protection to structural steel members of stations and fire-rated dry board, such proposal shall be subjected to evaluation of the SCDF.